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Signature Adult Program Application
About You:
First Name
Last Name
Name as it should appear on nametag/preferred name:
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Cell Phone Number
Personal Email
Verify Email
Which race or ethnicity best describes you?
At Leadership Geauga, we ask about an individual’s ethnicity because we value diversity in programs.
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Multiple Ethnicities/Other (please specify)
Dietary Restrictions
How did you learn about Leadership Geauga?
Friend or Family Member
A Leadership Geauga Alumni
Social Media
Community Event/Taste of Leadership
Leadership Geauga's Website
Friend or Family Member's Name
Have you applied to Leadership Geauga's Signature Adult Program in the past?
select one
If applicable, list family members who have completed a Leadership Geauga program:
Employment Information
Current Employer
What is your business/employer type?
select one
Sole Proprietor
Non-profit Organization
Corporation (INC)
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Employer Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Your Title:
Your Business Email Address
Verify Email
Your Business Phone Number
Most recent former employer
Please enter the highest level of education completed, including degree
select one
High School/GED
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Advanced/Professional Degree
Military Service
Field of study (if applicable)
Example: B.A. in Business, M.B.A., etc.
General Questions
What are your long-term goals as a leader, and how do you plan to develop yourself to achieve those goals?
Why is community involvement important?
Program Committment
Class members are expected to participate fully in program activities:
A. Orientation Day - full day B. Weekend Retreat - two days with an overnight stay C. Ten full-day program days. Please note: Graduation Day is a full day and evening. A minimum of 80% attendance is required for graduation. D. Each class member participates in a team which requires an average of six meetings. Please read and check the following statements to indicate your commitment:
My employer supports the time required for participation
My family supports the time required for participation
If selected for the program, I will devote the time required
Tuition Requirement
The tuition for each participant in Leadership Geauga is $2,500 of which $150 must be paid by the individual. How will the remaining $2,350 be paid (Personal? Employer? Other?)? A portion of tuition must be paid before Orientation. All tuition payments are nonrefundable.
I am interested in a tuition payment plan
I am interested in scholarship assistance
Why are you requesting a scholarship?
Tuition is $2500. What amount of tuition are you requesting?
How would you pay the remainder of the tuition? Would your employer be covering a portion? Would you personally be covering a portion? What would the percentage look like?
Ground Rules for Participation:
We are diverse: I will respect other's beliefs, politics, needs, and styles.
I understand that Leadership Geauga is a safe place to gather with your peers and develop personally and professionally while learning more about our beautiful county; it is not a place to push politics and religious beliefs.
I will not use cell phones in class. I understand the Executive Director's cell phone number will be given out and is to be used for emergencies.
I will listen and share ideas. If I am a talker, I will try to listen more. If I am quiet, I will try to speak up more.
I will attend every Leadership Geauga program day and be there for the entire day (generally from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).
I will fully participate on my planning team, which will meet six times to plan our issue day.
I understand that Orientation and Retreat are mandatory.
I understand to graduate Leadership Geauga, I cannot miss more than two class days.
I will serve as a resource and support to my fellow class members
On occasion, I may be required to prepare ahead of time for a class day and will complete this assignment to the best of my ability.
I understand that in facing these realities of the county, not all of my experiences will be pleasant and pretty. But I am committed to learning more about our county.
I will make a payment towards my tuition before Orientation
I understand that tuition is non-refundable