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2024-2025 QUEERY Registration Form

Contact Information


Accessibility Information

QUEERY is a welcoming space for individuals with disabilities. Please do not shy away from participating! We will shape our programming according to the group's varying needs to ensure that activities are accessible for all. 

Health Information

Youth's Demographic Information

Sharing the following information is entirely optional. You can share as much or as little as you want. If you choose to share this information with us, it will help us track the communities we are reaching. The only required field is participant age.

Liability Waiver

I release and hold harmless Clean River Partners, their partner organizations, and their successors from any and all claims, costs, suits, actions, judgments or expenses upon any damage, loss or injury to me, my child, or my property which may arise from QUEERY events. I acknowledge that I am fully aware of any and all risks posed by these activities and that my child has no medical condition that prevents them from engaging in them. In signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand this agreement.

Media Release

I give my permission to Clean River Partners to use any photographs or video recordings taken of me at this event for promotional and educational purposes in any analog or digital format without payment and without obligation or liability to me. I also give my permission to Clean River Partners to use any quotes given by me at this event for promotional and educational purposes in any analog or digital format without payment and without obligation or liability to me.