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We have renamed the school’s annual fund the PCS VISION FUND! PCS has had an annual fund in the past but we want to re-launch and reimagine this fund. We are excited about this change as we feel the name more accurately describes this fund and our goals for the monies raised. We want every dollar raised to go towards helping us fulfill our vision, which is to provide the best Christian college preparatory educational experience possible. 

By improving facilities, increasing teacher compensation, providing more staff professional development, improving student life, and most importantly insuring we have the necessary curriculum resources and classroom equipment, we will be able to provide the education our students and families deserve.   

If you would prefer to mail a check, please make the check out to Presbyterian Christian School with "PCS Vision Fund" in the memo line and mail to the following address:

Presbyterian Christian School

ATTN: Development Office

103 WSF Tatum Blvd

Hattiesburg, MS 39401

Are you giving in honor of a PCS student, alumni, staff, or faculty member?

Please write in the name of the student, alumni, staff, or faculty member you would like to honor with your gift. We will provide them with an honorary letter to recognize your kind gesture.

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Please select any of the following that apply to your relationship to PCS.