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2025 Membership Form - pay by paper check or through Donor Advised Fund

Please make check payable to Impact100 DC. Mail your check to Impact100 DC, PO Box 40121, Washington, DC 20016

For those paying through a DAF, the check should be sent to the above address. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) for Impact100 DC is 84-2317756. If the DAF is making an electronic payment, please fill this form out so we have your information in our system.




We hope that you will join as a Member Plus. With every penny of your $1,000 donation going to the grant, we rely on those generous additional contributions to defray critical operating costs.
Fellowship Program and/or Additional Support

Our Fellowship Program sponsors women for membership who would like to be actively involved but currently lack the financial capacity to join.

Additional support contributions, again, are very welcome and allow us to continue to make improvements in the systems we use for grant review, databases, and the like.

This directory is housed in a password protected area of the Impact100 DC website. It is for the exclusive use of our members and is not to be used for commercial or solicitation purposes.


Media Release: I hereby grant Impact100 DC, and its respective agents and assigns, the unrestricted right to use images of me from Impact100 DC events (both live and virtual) for trade, marketing, and other purposes without restriction and without my inspection or approval. I hereby release Impact100 DC and its respective agents from any legal claims or financial liability associated with such use. Do you agree to this waiver?
Mail check to:

 Impact100 DC, PO Box 40121, Washington, DC 20016