GTM Research Reserve Volunteer Application

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GTM Research Reserve Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the GTM Research Reserve! Please submit as much information as you feel comfortable sharing. There are a few required entries, but most of the information is voluntary. If you have any questions, contact Volunteer Coordinator Abby Kuhn at

Applicant Information

Please submit a separate application for each individual.



Emergency Contact Information

Please include the name, relationship, and contact information (phone number and email) of at least one emergency contact.

Volunteering Availability

Please enter a numerical value.

Background and Experience

Volunteer opportunities may be offered in the following sectors: Stewardship and Resource Management, Education, Research, Administrative, Maintenance and Facilities, and Friends of the GTM Reserve Activities. You will learn more about specific opportunities at New Volunteer Orientation.

Upload as a Word document or PDF.

Background Information

Note: Nolo Contendre is a plea by which a defendant in a criminal prosecution accepts conviction as though a guilty plea had been entered but does not admit guilt.


A "Yes" answer to these questions will not automatically bar you from volunteering. The nature, job-relatedness, severity, and date of the offense in relation to the position for which you are applying are considered. It is the policy of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that all current and new volunteers, who are assigned to perform the duties of positions of special trust as designated by the Secretary, may be subject to a security background check including fingerprinting as a condition of working for or with the Department.


To acknowledge, please type your full name here.
Volunteer Agreement Standards

I agree to:

  1. Support the mission and policies when communicating with the public, staff and fellow volunteers.
  2. Uphold a high level of professionalism at all times, to include maintaining a courteous and supportive attitude.
  3. Only participate in approved assignments and duties as outlined in my volunteer position description.
  4. Abstain from using my volunteer position to secure special privileges, benefits, personal business or exemptions for others or myself.
  5. Only use state equipment, office space and vehicles as assigned to me for my volunteer position, and return all state property issued to me at the end of my service.
  6. Implement all safety standards and report job-related injuries immediately to supervisory staff.
  7. Report volunteer hours and other information as required by my supervisor.
  8. Request clarification of rules and policies that I do not understand.

Volunteers are not considered to be employees of the State of Florida. Volunteers are covered by state liability protection (Section 768.28, F.S.) and by workers’ compensation (Chapter 440, F.S.). No other benefits of collective bargaining agreements apply. I understand my volunteer performance will be evaluated. I also understand my service can be terminated, or I can terminate my volunteer status at any time, with or without cause, and I do not have the right to grieve or appeal. I understand that volunteers on duty for the Department may be photographed or videoed and the materials may be used to promote the Department. No further releases are required.

To acknowledge, please type the applicant's full name.

Please have parent/guardian type their full name here.