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2024 Season: May - October

*Apply before May 1!*



If not applicable, say "N/A"
Meeting with our Garden Lead, Ingrid, is helpful for new gardeners to select their plot and learn more about the garden. If you haven't met with her yet, she will reach out to you once you complete this application.


The plot fee for the 2024 season is $20. Contact the gardening lead for additional plot availability.


From time to time, NOBL will take photos of gardeners and the garden. Do you give your permission for your photo to be taken and possibly published?
A gardener phone number and email list will be shared with all gardeners. Do you give your permission for your phone number and email to be shared with all gardeners?


Garden agreements were created to clearly outline rules and expectations of gardeners to help create a fruitful season for all while promoting community involvement. A copy of these agreements will be posted at the garden and given to every gardener.
I understand that neither the NOBL Community Garden group nor the owners of the land are responsible for my actions. I, therefore, agree to hold harmless the NOBL Community Garden and owners of the land for any liability, damage, loss, or claim in connection with use of the garden by me or my guests.
If you plan on being out of town for an extended period of time, please inform the garden lead and seek help from other gardeners.
(We understand that you might not be able to attend EVERY garden workday party due to vacations, work, family, etc.)
If your garden is not cleaned up by Nov 1st, you could lose the opportunity to garden next season