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Support the Center for Craft

Join us in making a difference by donation today. Thank you for your ongoing support to ensure a bright future for craft!

Looking for Craft Watch Tickets and Opportunities? Head to this form!

Questions? Email

In addition to online payment, checks may be made out to Center for Craft and mailed to:

Center for Craft 
Attn: Stephanie Moore
67 Broadway Street
Asheville, NC 28801

Please specify how you would like to direct your donation.
Materials Collection Sponsorship

The Materials Collection allows visitors and artists to engage with a collection of traditional, innovative, and sustainability-minded materials. The Collection encourages visitors to think in new ways about what craft is and what it can be, shifting past perceptions of craft and considering its potential for the future.

All sponsorship gifts are fully tax-deductible and sustain the mission of the Center for Craft.

Director - $5,000

  • Engineer benefits, and
  • Opportunity to make remarks in press release and e-blast
  • Logo recognition on title wall

Engineer - $2,500

  • Apprentice benefits, and
  • Sponsorship of public-facing event for the Collection's opening

Apprentice - $1,000

  • Name and logo recognition
  • Recognition in e-news and social media (audience: 32,000+)

Materials Collection Sponsorship One-Pager

