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Support the Center for Craft

Join us in making a difference by donation today. Thank you for your ongoing support to ensure a bright future for craft!


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In addition to online payment, checks may be made out to Center for Craft and mailed to:

Center for Craft 
Attn: Stephanie Moore
67 Broadway Street
Asheville, NC 28801

Please specify how you would like to direct your donation.
Spring Appeal 2024

YES! I want to support the Center for Craft.

For nearly 30 years, our organization has granted artists and scholars, exhibited their artistic and intellectual work, and convened conversations with them and the supporters and collectors who fuel the craft ecosystem. As a supporter of craft, you are essential to our success. We ask you to support our annual fund in a way that is meaningful to you:

Lowering Barriers

The Center has made strides to foster equity for grant applicants and has waived fees wherever possible. Help us build on this effort. Your contribution of $50 will underwrite five applicants, affirming our belief that financial support of craft must be inclusive.

Free Public Admission

Direct your gift to sustain our free and accessible public galleries and programming. A generous donation of $100 celebrates free admission for a family of four and champions accessibility to the arts among the 12,000 worldwide visitors we will welcome this year.

Spotlight on Grantees

Uplift emerging artists by contributing to their participation in our retail space, The Shop.  A generous gift of $500 helps The Shop staff keep the inventory moving, giving artists visibility and a revenue stream.

Area of Greatest Need

We are proud to steward your gift of any size toward the organization’s area of greatest need, providing vital support to all we do.

Select one
Materials Collection Sponsorship

The Materials Collection allows visitors and artists to engage with a collection of traditional, innovative, and sustainability-minded materials. The Collection encourages visitors to think in new ways about what craft is and what it can be, shifting past perceptions of craft and considering its potential for the future.

All sponsorship gifts are fully tax-deductible and sustain the mission of the Center for Craft.

Director - $5,000

  • Engineer benefits, and
  • Opportunity to make remarks in press release and e-blast
  • Logo recognition on title wall

Engineer - $2,500

  • Apprentice benefits, and
  • Sponsorship of public-facing event for the Collection's opening

Apprentice - $1,000

  • Name and logo recognition
  • Recognition in e-news and social media (audience: 32,000+)

Materials Collection Sponsorship One-Pager

"RIPSTOP" Exhibition Sponsorship

Max Adrian: RIPSTOP is a solo exhibition of patchwork textiles and inflatable sculptures by the Ohio-based fiber artist. Adrian’s volumetric, pneumatic work transports viewers into a realm of artifice, desire, and worldbuilding. Drawing from rich legacies of queer fiber art and theory, including the AIDS memorial quilt and José Esteban Muñoz’s foundational text, Cruising Utopia, the exhibition features monumentally scaled works that physically respond to the presence of viewers by filling with air. 

Emerging Artist Sponsor - $5,000+

  • Donor Wall tile in Bresler Family Gallery
  • Invitation to dinner and guided tour with the artist
  • Center for Craft membership for one year
  • Prominent recognition on exhibition-related materials on site and online, including exhibition signage in gallery and listing on the Center for Craft website, our newsletter, and during public remarks

Craft Community Sponsor - $2,500

  • Invitation to dinner and guided tour with the artist
  • Center for Craft membership for one year
  • Recognition on exhibition-related materials on site and online, including exhibition signage in gallery and listing on the Center for Craft website and our newsletter

Patron Sponsor - $1,000

  • Guided tour with staff
  • Center for Craft membership for one year
  • Recognition on exhibition-related materials on site and online, including exhibition signage in gallery and listing on the Center for Craft website and our newsletter

Sustaining Sponsor - $500

  • Recognition on exhibition-related materials online, including listing on Center for Craft e-newsletter

RIPSTOP is organized by Houston Center for Contemporary Craft and curated by Sarah Darro.

