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Private Group Class Inquiry

Saratoga Joinery is a community woodworking shop in downtown Saratoga Springs. Located at 69 Caroline Street, the Joinery has an expansive workshop with top-notch machines and tools. Groups are welcomed to come and take a private project class with our experienced teachers - no experience necessary. Participants can expect a fun few hours spent creating their own masterpiece alongside their group members. Come a beginner and leave a woodworker!

In addition to our class offerings, we have a large community room space with tables, chairs and A/V equipment that groups are able to rent out for an additional fee. 

Ample off-street parking is available.



Include group size, nature of event (staff outing, birthday party, etc.), and woodworking experience level
More complex woodworking projects typically require more than one work session, but we can accommodate simple projects if your group can only come on one day. Each session is 2-3 hours.
If there's something specific you'd like to make, let us know!

Share your project goals!
We have a large community space with tables, chairs, a large TV and A/V equipment. It can be used as a meeting space or a party room. Private group classes get a reduced rate for the space. Maximum capacity is 35 people. Use of the room is only available during Saratoga Joinery open hours. Alcohol is not permitted on the premises.