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July 2024 | Virtual Emotional Emancipation Circle 101 8 Week Intensive

Greetings Family!

This is a registration form for our upcoming virtual Emotional Emancipation Circle (EEC). Running from July 24th to September 11th, our 8-Week EEC 101 Intensive will meet once a week on Wednesdays at 7 - 8:30pm EST.

Emotional Emancipation Circles (EE Circles, EECs) are self-help support groups designed to help heal, and end, the trauma caused by the root cause of anti-Black racism: the centuries-old lie of White superiority and Black inferiority.

Originated by Community Healing Network, and developed in collaboration with The Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi), EECs are liberatory spaces in which Black people share stories to deepen our understanding of self-worth, our relationships, and our communities. Together, we learn essential emotional wellness skills to help us be our best as individuals and as a people.

Watch this video for an introductory video for our EECs.  All sessions are virtual.


"EE Circles are catalysts for reclaiming our human dignity as people of African ancestry." –EE Circle Participant


In recent surveys, EEC participants reported what they like most:

"Being able to share experiences with others and be unapologetic about talking about racism."

"I particularly enjoyed the sense of community and the infusion of African philosophy, culture and values. I always left the EEC feeling more relaxed and purposeful."

"Being connected to other black people who want to heal...."

"The comradery, sharing experiences, learning more about myself as an African woman."


Your Journey to Emotional Emancipation:

Week 1 – Introduction: The Lie and Truth of Black Humanity

Week 2 – Key 1: African Spiritual Origins

Week 3 – Key 2: Historical Movements & Moments

Week 4 – Key 3: African Cultural Origins

Week 5 – Key 4: Human Development & Learning

Week 6 – Key 5: Ethics & Methods

Week 7 – Key 6: Our African Cultural Imperative

Week 8 – Key 7: Spirit, Spirituality, and Spiritness & Closing (Last Circle is 2 hours 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST)


Space is limited. Come and connect, learn, heal, and grow together.


Should you have any questions, please reach out to Jan Berger at If you are unable to attend this cohort, join our waitlist

Contact Information



Sliding Scale: Our fee for the EEC 101 8-week intensive is $75. If you are able to contribute more, we would greatly appreciate it! The difference will pave the way for others to experience their journey of emotional emancipation too. Registration ends July 24th.

(Ex. social media, email, website, colleague/friend/family, etc.)
About CHN & ABPsi

Community Healing Network (CHN) is a 501 (c) (3) organization that is spearheading the global grassroots movement for the emotional emancipation of Black people to overcome and overturn the lie of Black inferiority–the root cause of the devaluing of Black lives. CHN has put into place key elements to build the global grassroots movement for the emotional emancipation, healing, wellness, and empowerment of Black people. Visit to learn more.

The Association of Black Psychologists sees its mission and destiny as the liberation of the African Mind, empowerment of the African Character, and enlivenment and illumination of the African Spirit. Visit to learn more.

CHN and ABPsi believe that, in order to reverse the negative trends in Black communities and clear the way for all  Black children to reach their full potential, Black people must engage in the struggle for what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called “psychological freedom,” and what we call “emotional emancipation."