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Building for Creativity

For twenty years, REACH has provided creative out-of-school engagement in the arts for all ages and abilities. Thanks to the support of our community, REACH has expanded from a single studio classroom to over 10,000 square feet of studio space.

As part of our commitment to providing a welcoming and safe environment for creativity, we've recently invested in several building maintenance projects to continue to steward our amazing facility for art creation and exploration.

Your Support Fuels Art

We are so grateful for the generous support of our community and invite you to donate to our summer Fuel REACH/Fuel Art Fundraiser. Your donation will directly impact our work by supporting ongoing facility improvements and maintenance on the Art Van.

Our goal is to raise $2,500 this summer to fund REACH’s capital improvement needs. Please consider donating today to our campaign to help REACH remain a vibrant hub for artistic expression, enhancing program quality and outreach year-round.

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