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After-School Program Teaching Artist Application

ShoreLake Arts is seeking visual artists to instruct youth education programs for grades K-5. Please see the Youth Teaching Artist job posting at for details about this position.

This application will remain open until positions are filled. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

ShoreLake Arts values the cultural and linguistic diversity in our community. We encourage instructors who are representative of that full diversity and of other identities that have been historically marginalized to apply.

If you have questions or require any assistance, please email Kelsey Denney, ShoreLake Arts Education Manager, at, or call (206) 818-2315.

Contact Information


Where can we see your artwork?

Document Upload

Your Resume/CV must be a PDF document.

Please briefly describe your qualifications for teaching visual arts to youth and your commitment to equity, social justice, inclusivity, and accessibility in arts education.


Please check the box to indicate that you would be available and interested in teaching on the following days and windows of time throughout the school year.
Would you be available and interested in teaching during our half-day and full-day summer camps?

References (Minimum of 2 required)

Please list CURRENT contact information for professional 2-3 references who can speak to your experience working with children.



Additional Questions

Criminal History Background Check Requirement

Youth Teaching Artist contracts are contingent upon the successful completion of a Washington State Patrol criminal history background check. Teaching Artists must maintain a current background check form on file as provided by ShoreLake Arts prior to providing teaching services.

ShoreLake Arts is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity), sexual orientation, disability, age, national origin, political affiliation, marital status, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factors.