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2024 Karen Martyr's Day Sponsor Registration

Thank you for supporting the 74th Commemoration of Karen Martyr's Day. This year's event will be held on August 9-10 at Hazelwood Park in Maplewood. Please visit our website for full details about the event.

Minnesota’s Karen recognize your business as an important asset in our community and would like to invite you to be an official sponsor of this year’s events. We have four sponsorship packages available with benefits:

  • Bronze: $300 –a tabling spot reserved for your business at the resource fair on August 9th/10th. (This includes both days).
  • Silver: $600 – Bronze benefits plus business name on ceremony program schedule, and KOM website/social media platforms.
  • Gold: $1,000 – Silver benefits plus recognition at the opening and closing ceremony. Will receive sponsorship recognition plaque.
  • Platinum: $2,000 – Gold benefits, plus business name and logo printed on the official invitation and welcome to display business banner and speak on the stage.

Contact Information


Please enter your website URL if you would like us to link to your website on our event page and social media.