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Tamariki Clay Class Tuesdays Term 4 2024 - Book now pay later

A chance for young artists aged 5 - 12 to express themselves by designing and building a clay sculpture over 6 weeks, tutored by Megan Hockly. The theme this term will be Water.


Location: The Clay Shed 

Dates: Tuesdays 29 October - 3 December

Time: 3.30pm - 5pm.

Please complete the following form and make payment at the office Mon-Fri 10-2 with cash or eftpos, or online to our bank account: 38 9018 0232468 00, Raglan Community Arts Council (Old School Arts Centre), Kiwibank, Bow St, Raglan. Include your child's name and 'After-school' as references. Please note your place(s) are not confirmed until payment is received.



First Child Details

Eg behaviour, allergies, custody arrangements. Enter here or give us a call to discuss 07 825 0023. Please note we are unable to provide additional support, however you are welcome to attend class with your child or arrange for a support person.

Second Child Details

Eg behaviour, allergies, custody arrangements. Enter here or give us a call to discuss 07 825 0023. Please note we are unable to provide additional support, however you are welcome to attend class with your child or arrange for a support person.

Please provide name and phone number of an alternative person in case we are unable to contact you during class time.

Please provide name and phone number of your family doctor in case of emergency
By submitting this form you agree to the following conditions

-  I agree to pay all costs if my child receives medical treatment for any injuries.
-  I give my child permission to attend the programme.
-  I agree to pay fees as stipulated in the fees policy.
-  I agree to sign my child in and out of all programmes.
-  I agree to inform the Old School Arts Centre of any changes to our contact details.
-  I agree that any photographs taken of my child can be used solely for the purpose of reporting to donors.
-  I will ensure I am contactable while my child is in class in the event that they need to leave early.

The Raglan Old School Arts Centre, will take care, but accepts no responsibility for any injuries that occur during the course of the classes.
Please be aware that when working with clay, it is an unpredictable and fragile medium and accidental damage to the art work can occur – despite our best efforts to avoid this.