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Into the Taharah Liturgy.png

Understanding Kavod HaMet 

Taught by: Rabbi Jamie Weisbach

Dates & Time: 

Wednesdays, January 24th, 31st, February 7th, 14th  
12:00-1:00 p.m. Eastern / 9:00-10:00 a.m Pacific




$96 (sliding scale pricing information below)

About the Workshop: 

In the Chevra Kadisha community,  the phrase "kavod hamet", honor for the dead, is our foundational principle, and yet we often neglect to articulate what exactly we mean by this.  Is it a general principle, or is it defined by specific norms?  Does it vary from person to person? How do we know when it has been violated, especially when different people have different intuitions about what honor looks like? 
In this class, we will try to build a more rigorous understanding of kavod hamet by looking into the categories of halakhah, law, around the desecration of a deceased body or "anti-kavod hamet"—the ways we are not allowed to treat dead bodies, including delaying burial, benefitting from a body, desecrating a body, and speaking in front of it.

Through understanding the actions our tradition has categorized as negating kavod hamet, we will try to build up a positive definition of what kavod hamet is, and develop a vocabulary that will enable us to communicate better about kavod hamet in our Chevrei Kadisha.  

No background in text study is necessary and everything will be offered in translation. 

Taught by Rabbi Jamie Weisbach: 

Rabbi Jamie Weisbach (he/him) received Rabbinic Ordination in June 2023 through Hadar's advanced Kollel, and currently serves as a Rabbinic Fellow at Hunter College Hillel and as an Educator for the Trans Halakhah Project's Teshuvah writing collective. Jamie studied English, Theater and Religion at Bowdoin College and has studied Torah, Gemara, and Halakhah at The Conservative Yeshiva, SVARA, Drisha, and Hadar.  A Chicago native, Jamie now lives in upper Manhattan with his husband, Amram; their two cats, Perle and Herschel; and an ever-growing collection of books.



Please share any access needs or accommodations that you would like us to know about so that you can participate fully in this workshop.

We'd love to learn how you were referred so we know the right people/organizations to thank!
Sliding Scale Pricing

Kavod v’Nichum strives to make our opportunities financially accessible and we utilize a sliding scale model based on need. When choosing your pricepoint, please take into consideration both your income and your wealth as you make this decision and the resources that your supporting organization may be contributing to this work as well. Click here to learn more about a model that informs our pricing structures. 
