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Make a Gift to Preserve Montana

Thank you for making it possible to protect and preserve historic places, traditional landscapes, and cultural heritage in Montana. This tax-deductible contribution will help provide resources for our restoration, education, documentation, and advocacy programs.

To learn more about how your gift is invested we encourage you to visit our website regularly for updates on projects and events.

Gift Information


Please indicate how much of your total donation you wish to allocate to the Baxendale Schoolhouse Fund - and thank you!

Contact Information

By including an email address you express consent to receive electronic communications. Please be aware that leaving this field blank may limit some benefits of your membership. As an organization, we have made a firm commitment to using all electronic information responsibly and will never overuse or share your email address. Donors and members have the ability to unsubscribe from these communications at any time and may contact our staff for further information at

Acknowledgement Preferences

By checking off the respective acknowledgment method boxes below you will be "opting in" and by leaving them unchecked you will be "opting out." If you have further questions, send an email to and we will respond accordingly.

By selecting this option you will not be publically acknowledged for your contribution.
Thank You!

The support of generous and concerned community members like yourself allows history to be saved all across Montana. We are grateful to have you on our preservation team and encourage you to learn more about the projects your contribution supports at