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Cat Adoption Application

Joshua Tree No-Kill Shelter



Personal Info


Your job

Who was adopted - cat or dog - and date of adoption?

Please indicate the name and location of the shelter from which you adopted your pet.


Name, Address, Phone number
  • For Shelter records: Date landlord was contacted: ____________________

Years & months

Contingency Plans

Name / Phone / Address

What are your options?

What are your options?

Name and phone number

Years, Months

What if?

Vacation Plans?

What if?

Vet's contact info


How many?

How many dogs?

How many cats?

How many? Type of species?

How many?

Please state below the number of Cats? Dogs? Other? If other, please identify in the space provided.

How many?

How many?

How many? Type of species?




20. Please list three references (non-relative), e.g. another shelter from which you have adopted an animal from, a veterinarian, a landlord, or a friend.

Please note:

(1)There is a 24 hr. minimum waiting period from the time you submit an adoption application BEFORE you are approved OR denied. There is no guarantee that you will hear from us within that 24 hr. time period, but we do notify applicants via email, so please make sure to check your email, including your spam folder. If you have not received an email within 48 hrs., please call the shelter to make sure that your adoption application has been received.

(2) If your application is incomplete, you may not receive a response from us. Please be sure to read the entire application. Please remember, we are very busy and do our best to respond to everyone.

(3) It is possible that even though you may be approved to adopt an animal from us, you may not be awarded the adoption. Our first priority is finding the best home for each of our animals, and we must use our judgment and experience to make that decision.

Enter legal name here.
