Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
The Potomac Valley Audubon Society (PVAS) does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any service recipient, applicant, program staff, or the public on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, age, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or veteran status.
Cancellation Policy
PVAS may cancel a program if:
West Virginia Governor issues a Stay at Home Order or an order restricting group size;
hazardous weather that would create unsafe road conditions or unsafe conditions for being outside is forecasted;
a staff member critical to conducting an event is diagnosed with an active case of COVID-19;
- the session doesn’t meet PVAS's registration number minimum.
Registrants will be notified by email of any cancelations by 5:00 p.m. the evening before the program.
If PVAS cancels this program and a registration fee has been paid, 100% of your payment will be refunded.
For full cancellation requests by registrants made more than one week prior to the start of Outdoor School, a refund will be given minus the $25 non-refundable registration fee. Cancellations made less than a week prior to the start of Outdoor School will receive no refunds. We will waive the $25 registration fee for cancellations for individual classes that are made due to COVID-19 or other illness. If your child misses a day of outdoor school due to illness, PVAS will issue a pro-rated refund for that class. Cancellation requests can be sent to Chanda Drew at admin@potomacaudubon.org.
*We understand that last minute cancellations might need to happen, but please try to let us know as soon as possible, so that depending on the circumstance, we can open the spot to someone else.
Behavior Policy
Inappropriate behavior will not be accepted or tolerated from any participant in our programs. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to:
- use of foul language
- hurting or teasing other participants and/or animals
- disrespecting or threatening a staff/volunteer/student
- wandering away from the group
- fighting
- destroying equipment.
Discipline Policy
- On a child's first offense, the child will receive a warning from a staff member.
- On the second offense, the child will be given a time-out and/or be restricted from participating in the current activity. A staff member will discuss with the child what he/she did wrong and allow them to reflect on the situation. The program director will also be informed. The parent will be notified of the incident at the end of the day.
- On the third offense, or if the child refuses to cooperate in time-out, the child will be sent to the program director, and the incident will be recorded. In addition, a note will be sent home that must be signed by the child's parent or guardian.
- On the fourth offense, the child's parent or guardian will be called to collect the child. At that time it will be determined, based on the situation, if the child will be allowed to return on subsequent days. If the child is dismissed from a program, no refund will be given.
Late Pick Up Policy
A $10/per child late fee will be assessed for every 15 minutes after 3:00 pm for children not yet picked up.
No electronic devices (cell phones, iPads, game consoles, etc.) are allowed to be used at PVAS programs by attending children. If a child is found using these items during camp: on first offense, the program director will hold the item until the end of the day and it will be returned directly to the child's parent or guardian; a second offense, the item will be confiscated until the end of the day and the child's parent or guardian will be called; a third offense will result in child being dismissed from the remainder of the program without a refund. PVAS is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.