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2023-2024 Recurring Annual Fund Gift Information

Committing to a recurring gift is a dependable source of support that St. Cecilia Catholic School can count on throughout the year. Set up your online pledge below to have your gift automatically deducted on a monthly basis. We are grateful and thankful for your pledged commitment! 

In the amount field below, please enter the amount you would like to give each month. Then, use the calendar menu below the amount field to set a billing end date. The first charge will go through soon after this form is completed. The same amount will be charged to your card each month until your recurring gift end date. You will receive a confirmation e-mail detailing your transaction each month. If you have any questions or concerns about your recurring gift, please contact Tim Scalzitti or Lindsay Willrich


St. Cecilia Giving Club Levels

Legacy Circle: $10,000+
Founder's Circle: $5,000 - $9,999
Principal's Circle: $2,500 - $4,999
Leadership Circle: $1,000 - $2,499
Educator's Circle: $500 - $999
Lyre Club: $250 - $499
Red & White Club: $1 - $249

Please choose one of the options below:

For current St. Cecilia Catholic School parents: please enter the name, grade, and homeroom of your student for class participation.

Alumni: Please enter your first and last name (including maiden name) and the year you graduated from St. Cecilia. Parents of Alumni: Please enter the first name, last name (including maiden name), and the graduation year of all children in your family who graduated from St. Cecilia. 

Grandparents: Please enter the first and last names of all grandchildren currently enrolled at St. Cecilia. 

Contact Information
