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Green Blocks: Lincoln Volunteer Planting Event Registration

October 26th, 2024 9am-1pm

Lincoln Park - 801 S 37th St, Tacoma, WA 98418 

Parking is limited, we encourage folks to carpool. Please bring your own water bottle and gloves if you prefer them them. Dress for all weather, dirt/mud and sturdy shoes. TTF will provide all planting tools and equipment, coffee, snacks, water and gloves. 

  • Requesting Teams: Please list the names of fellow volunteers you'd like to be grouped with, if applicable.
  • Under-Age Volunteers: If you'd like to bring a minor, please list their names and ages in the volunteer request box. Each minor that accompanies you will be your responsibilty. All adults (18+) need to register individually.
  • Please provide any other needs or details in the accessibility box (i.e. I will have a stroller, I need to leave early, spanish speaking team would be prefered.)

9:00 - Volunteer Check-In (Coffee and light snacks)

9:15 - Welcome/Arbor Day Celebration - Planting Demo - Volunteer Orientation

10:00 -1pm - Planting

Contact Information


For offsite planting events transportation is provided by captains and volunteers. Please check the transportation you're willing/able to provide.

Please list the names of any volunteers you'd like to be teamed up with and we'll do our best to accommodate that. If bringing any minors, please list names and ages here. Leave blank if you have no preference.

Is there anything we should know or consider providing to make volunteering with us more welcoming for you? In need of communication or mobility accommodations? Any accessibility needs can be mentioned here and we'll do our best to support them/follow up.

Participant Waiver

Release of liability and consent
Participant irrevocably grants to Planting Organization, PARTNERS and each member organization of PARTNERS, as well as their respective agents, employees, licensees, subsidiaries, successors in interest, and conservation partners (the "Likeness Parties"), the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to copyright, use, reproduce, publish and display, in any form now known or later developed, Participant's image or visual likeness (the “Likeness”) that may be obtained pursuant to Participant's participation in the Activity. The Likeness may be copyrighted, used and/or published individually or in conjunction with other photography or video works, and in any medium and for any lawful purpose, including without limitation, trade, exhibition, illustration, promotion, publicity, advertising and electronic publication and Participant waives all rights to inspect or approve such Likeness. Participant hereby releases the Likeness Parties (and all persons acting under their permission or authority) from any and all Claims arising out of the use, reproduction, adaptation, distribution, publication and display of the Likeness by the Likeness Parties. This release includes without limitation any Claims related to blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, digital alteration, use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, or use of a fictitious name, that may occur or be produced in the processing or publication of the Likeness.
I attest that I will not attend if I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 5 days of the event. I am following recommended CDC and state guidelines: Masks are optional and provided on planting day. Hand sanitizer is provided for my use on planting day.
By checking the box below, I agree to participate in programs and/or activities ("Activity") partially or wholly coordinated by the Tacoma Tree Foundation ("Planting Organization") and its partners, the Tacoma Tree Foundation and Corporate Partner (collectively, the “PARTNERS”). As lawful consideration for being permitted by the Planting Organization and PARTNERS to participate in the Activity, Participant agree to all the terms and conditions of this Waiver as set forth herein. 1. THE PARTICIPANT UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ACTIVITY, PARTICIPANT WILL ENTER PROPERTIES THAT PLANTING ORGANIZATION MAY NEITHER OWN NOR CONTROL AND THAT IT IS POSSIBLE THAT PARTICIPANT MAY BE INJURED OR OTHERWISE HARMED DURING THE ACTIVITY DUE TO ACCIDENTS, ACTS OF NATURE, OR THE NEGLIGENT OR INTENTIONAL ACTS OF PARTICIPANT, PLANTING ORGANIZATION, PARTNERS, AND/OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS. PARTICIPANT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE OR SHE IS VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITY WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED AND HEREBY AGREES TO ACCEPT AND ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE PLANTING ORGANIZATION, PARTNERS OR OTHERWISE. 2. Participant hereby expressly waives and releases any and all claims and causes of action, of whatever type he or she may have, whether these claims arise in law or equity, now known or hereafter known, in any jurisdiction throughout the world (collectively, "Claims"), against the Planting Organization, PARTNERS, and their respective officers, directors, trustees, donors, employees, agents, affiliates, volunteers, successors, and assigns (collectively, “Releasees”), on account of personal injury, accident, illness (including death) and/or property loss, however caused, arising out of or attributable to Participant's participation in the Activity, whether or not caused in whole or in part by the negligent acts or omissions of one or more of the Releasees. Participant covenants and agrees not to make or bring any such Claim against the Releasees, and forever releases and discharges the Releasees from all liability under such Claims. Participant further agrees that if, despite this Agreement, Participant or anyone on Participant's behalf, makes a Claim against any of the Releasees, Participant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Releasees from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind (including reasonable attorney fees, fees and the costs of enforcing any right to indemnification under this Waiver, and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers), incurred by or awarded against the Releasees, arising out or resulting from such Claims. 3. Participant irrevocably grants to Planting Organization, PARTNERS and each member organization of PARTNERS, as well as their respective agents, employees, licensees, subsidiaries, successors in interest, and conservation partners (the "Likeness Parties"), the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to copyright, use, reproduce, publish and display, in any form now known or later developed, Participant's image or visual likeness (the “Likeness”) that may be obtained pursuant to Participant's participation in the Activity. The Likeness may be copyrighted, used and/or published individually or in conjunction with other photography or video works, and in any medium and for any lawful purpose, including without limitation, trade, exhibition, illustration, promotion, publicity, advertising and electronic publication and Participant waives all rights to inspect or approve such Likeness. Participant hereby releases the Likeness Parties (and all persons acting under their permission or authority) from any and all Claims arising out of the use, reproduction, adaptation, distribution, publication and display of the Likeness by the Likeness Parties. This release includes without limitation any Claims related to blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, digital alteration, use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, or use of a fictitious name, that may occur or be produced in the processing or publication of the Likeness. 4. If any term or provision of this Waiver is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Waiver or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. This Waiver shall be binding upon and enforceable against Participant, as well as Participant's spouse, children, heirs and next of kin, personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. BY CHECKING THE BOX BELOW CONFIRMS AND ATTESTS THAT PARTICIPANT HAS READ THIS WAIVER AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS ITS CONTENTS. PARTICIPANT IS AWARE THAT THIS IS A WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND THAT PARTCIPANT IS VOLUNTARILY GIVING UP SUBSTANTIAL LEGAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT AND THAT PARTICIPANT SIGNS THIS WAIVER ON HIS OR HER OWN FREE WILL WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT, ASSURANCE OR GUARANTEE.

Please enter your full legal name.

Optional Demographics

Sharing your demographics helps TTF further its commitment to building and maintaining an equitable and representative organization. It is important for us to know who we are engaging in our programming. Your personal information is secure, private and anonymous. All questions are optional.
Which languages do you speak at home?
Check all that apply