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Sweetwater Farm Trail Center Liability Release



First & Last Name, Date of Birth
Use of Images

Experience Learning relies on the use of images for marketing purposes, as well as to report to and solicit financial donors. Experience Learning staff members sometimes may take photographs informally while you are on site using our property, these serve as our image library. 

Nondiscrimination Policy

Experience Learning follows a policy of uniform nondiscrimination with regards to sex, age, race, religion, and country or origin.

Medical and Liability Release

 I understand the inherent risks involved in use of the Sweetwater Farm Trail Center and its trail system and that unanticipated dangers may arise. I voluntarily assume all risk of loss, damage, illness or injury, including death, which may occur while I am participating in any activity or event associated with the Sweetwater Farm Trail Center and Experience Learning or during such times I am under the supervision of any employee or agent of Experience Learning. I agree to hold harmless and release Experience Learning and its volunteers, employees, and agents in any location where activities are conducted. If a medical emergency does occur and I am unable to respond or cannot readily be consulted, Experience Learning may select any licensed physician to secure and administer medical treatment, including hospitalization and surgery if and as needed. I understand any medical expense so incurred will be my financial responsibility.

Sign here to indicate that you have read the Medical and Liability Release, and agree to the terms listed above. By signing here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper.