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Volunteer Staff Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Camp HOPE.  This form should take you between 5-10 minutes.  If you have any questions please contact our Executive Director, Maria Loy, at or 608-621-0633 (call or text).

Contact Information


What number can we best reach you by?

Emergency/Health Information

Person we can reach in case of an emergency.

Phone number of person we can reach in case of an emergency.

If yes, please list:

Select all that apply


Work Experience

Company Name, Job Title, Company Address, Date Started, Date Left, Supervisor's Name and Telephone Number, Description of Job Duties/Responsibilities

List any relevant work experience, reason for leaving

Volunteer Experience

Include agency name, responsibilities, and how long you volunteered for.
Authorization to Check Criminal Records



I authorize Camp HOPE to receive: 

Information from any law-enforcement agency, including police departments and sheriff’s departments, of this state or any other state or federal government, to the extent permitted by state and federal law, pertaining to any convictions for crimes committed upon children.                 

I understand that such access is for the purpose of considering my application as a volunteer and that I expressly DO NOT authorize the camp, its directors, officers or other volunteers to disseminate this information in any way to any other individual, group, agency, organization or corporation.

(Type full name including middle initial.)


Interest in Volunteering at Camp HOPE

This is not necessary for volunteering at Camp HOPE
Check all that apply

Why do we ask this? We are strategic in how we place counselors and campers together. For example, if your loved one died from cancer and we have a group with multiple children who've also lost loved ones to cancer, that might make a beautiful fit.

INTEREST IN CAMP HOPE: Please explain your reasons for becoming interested in Camp HOPE, ie: your personal experience with death and grief, your work with children and teens, etc.