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ANCA CONNECTS: Executive Leaders

Thursday, June 20
10-11:30am AKT / 11am-12:30pm PT / 12-1:30pm MT / 1-2:30pm CT / 2-3:30pm ET

Do you serve as your organization's executive director, CEO, manager, or TOP leader? Are you looking for opportunities to meet peers who share the responsibility and challenges of being THE BOSS? Are you looking for solutions from other top leaders? Step away from the day-to-day and participate in conversations with leaders nationwide. This is your opportunity to build long-term relationships and not feel alone in your critical work.

In this CONNECTS program, we’ll network and discuss the unique expectations, challenges, and opportunities of being an executive leader. We’ll address questions like:

  • What has been your most significant leadership challenge, and how did you overcome it?
  • Are you aware of the new overtime rules finalized by the Department of Labor, and how will you budget for the proposed increases?
  • Do you have a succession plan in place? Is your board ready to step in and assume leadership?

This program will use a “Facilitated Discussion” format, where all participants contribute, and a facilitator guides the dialogue. This format allows you to share with your peers, learn new ideas, and work together to find solutions. Bring your questions, challenges, and successes to share with the group!

Who Should Attend: This conversation is exclusively for Executive Directors/CEOs/Top Managers who are current ANCA members. 


  • Jen Levy, Executive Director of the Association of Nature Center Administrators
  • John Myers, Executive Director of Indian Creek Nature Center
  • Brooks Paternotte, Executive Director of Irvine Nature Center
  • Bryan Wood, Executive Director of Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center

ANCA CONNECTS bring together nature and environmental learning center leaders who share a common challenge or who represent a specific type of organization. This program is only available to ANCA Members.

To qualify for the member rate, attendees need to be current Student, Emeritus, Associate, or Professional Members or an employee or board member of an Organization Member. Not a member? You can join here. Want to upgrade to an Organization membership? Please email

In ANCA CONNECTS, all attendees contribute to a shared dialogue that brings out an abundance of perspectives, possibilities, and renewed energy. We invite you to participate in the discussion and bring your questions, challenges, and solutions to the conversation.

Have questions? Please contact ANCA Membership & Programs Coordinator Daniel Auer at

Meeting Sign-up

The ANCA CONNECTS registration fee is $15 for ANCA Members. This form processes payment with a credit card, Paypal, or bank transfer.

Do you have any questions or topics you hope to discuss with your peers at this CONNECTS?

Contact Information


How to Connect to the Meeting

After submitting this form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting. The email will come from Daniel Auer, If you don’t receive an email within a few days with the Zoom link, first check your spam/trash folder. If you still haven't received it, please contact Daniel Auer at for the Zoom link.

Participant Waiver

Photography/Video of ANCA CONNECTS Participants: During live CONNECTS events, recorded images, video, and audio may be taken in which you may be included, and you agree and understand that these images, videos, and audio may be used by ANCA for promotional purposes in print, video, and on the Internet.

Some areas of the CONNECTS platform allow you to provide content (in chat areas, forums, associated social media pages, etc.) By posting, uploading, publishing, distributing, or transmitting information such as photos, videos, reviews, messages, content, or other personal information on the CONNECTS platform or other ANCA-sponsored forums, blogs, or other communities, you represent and warrant that you are the sole author and owner of such content, and you further represent and warrant that you have permission from anyone included in any photos or videos, or if a child, you have permission from the child’s parent or guardian.

The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of ANCA; these require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity. For these reasons, ANCA is dedicated to providing a harassment-free CONNECTS experience. ANCA Peer CONNECTS participants violating these standards may be asked to leave, at the discretion of the ANCA Board and meeting organizers.

Don't Forget To Hit Submit!

If you are unable to pay after hitting Submit, please Cancel payment and we will send you an invoice for your registration. Your information will still be saved!