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Become an Authors Alliance Member

Authors and creators of all kinds and all nationalities who share our mission are welcome to join Authors Alliance. Our members include writers of fiction and nonfiction, poets, researchers, and journalists. They are unified by their commitment to having their work be read, seen, and heard.

Why join?


Authors Alliance provides resources and guidance designed to help creators better understand and leverage their rights. We aim to demystify the contracts, copyright law, institutional policies, and jargon that stand between authors and their audiences.


We give voice to our members and to those authors who share our mission by promoting policies that would make creative works accessible, discoverable, and properly attributed so as to reflect their authors’ contributions to knowledge and culture.


Your membership demonstrates your commitment to the progress of culture and knowledge and makes you the first to receive updates on the Authors Alliance’s activities and resources.


Members are our most important source of financial support. Authors Alliance is a public-supported 501(c)(3) organization that relies on members’ tax-deductible donations to run effectively.


Please consider donating to Authors Alliance

Your donation supports the development of resources and tools to help authors share their works broadly and enables us to advocate for sound copyright law and policy.


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