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New Works 2025 Call for Choreographers

To apply, please fill out this form BY MIDNIGHT on NOVEMBER 20, 2024.

Please note that late applications will not be reviewed as it overextends our small staff.

A note on language in your application: we are aware of and have been complicit in the “professionalization” of proposal language which centers whiteness and prioritizes education that has not been accessible to everyone. In an effort to better support artists who may not have written proposals before, we ask that you focus on communicating your ideas in the best way that reflects your style. If we are unclear on essential elements, we will reach out to you. You can also join the free in-person application workshop on October 26th. Register for the in-person workshop here. 

Accountability is important in this program. New Works creators who can respond to deadlines and lead their own projects lessen the workload for our small staff and in our experience, get more out of what this program offers.

Applications will be reviewed by a panel that includes Synapse staff, ensemble, board members, and previous New Works artists and mentors. A minimum of 50% of the panel will be individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ and a minimum of 25% BILPOC. Please consider how your work intersects or aligns with the Synapse values of supporting LGBTQIA+ and women of all identities before applying. The program is directed by Rachel Damon with support from other Synapse stakeholders.

Questions? Email or Lucas at

Contact Information

Please give the contact information of the primary contact person for the proposal. If you are working as a collaborative artistic group, please select one person to be the primary point of contact and list their information, and add the names and contact information of the other artists below.


Are you working individually or as part of a collaborative artistic group?

Please list the names, pronouns if desired, and email addresses of the other collaborators.

Proposal Narrative

This can be a written narrative OR a video OR an audio recording. You decide which method best suits you, only one method of narration/explanation is needed and only one method will be shared with panelists. **For a written narrative: Two pages maximum with 12 point font, 1” margins, and single spaced. Either enter in the text boxes below OR upload a PDF. **For a video narrative: Take a simple video of yourself (phone selfie is fine) that is a maximum of 5 minutes long, addressing the same questions below. Upload the video to a file sharing platform (Dropbox, Google Drive etc) and include the link as an attachment. **For an audio narrative: Take a simple audio recording of yourself (phone voice memo is fine) that is a maximum of 5 minutes long, addressing the same questions below. Upload the audio to a file sharing platform (Dropbox, Google Drive etc) and include the link as an attachment.
Please select the format that best matches your proposed piece. If you plan to have a work with multiple formats, please select the option that is most important for the work, and note the other formats in the following section. The final presentations will be low tech, casual, and inclusive.

Describe the concept or idea you would like to develop, how your personal style of performance-making will approach this idea, and a brief description of what the final work might look like. Describe any envisioned plans for live performance, site specific performance, virtual or video-based performance and attend to details about sound, costumes, etc. and how you will create these elements. Proposed pieces should be no longer than 20 minutes in length.

Address how making this piece fits into your history and future as a choreographer and/or director. What aspects of producing your work are most interesting to you, and what do you want to learn more about? Prior experience in professional presenting is not necessary, however if you have no prior professional experience there is a section below to include an additional paragraph describing how you are prepared to manage the resources available through the largely self-directed New Works program.

Optionally, answer the above questions by entering "see attached document" in the fields above and uploading a pdf document. Two pages maximum with 12 point font, 1” margins, and single spaced. Please note that we ask you upload as a PDF.

Optionally, answer the above questions by entering "see attached video" or "see attached audio" in the fields above and including the link to the file on a file sharing platform (Dropbox, Google Drive etc) in thix box. Video and Audio files should be a maximum of 5 minutes.

Proposal Schedule and Project Management

Please outline the anticipated rehearsal/creative schedule, taking into account these important dates. Think about whether you want to work weekly, intensively, or in some other format. **November 20, 2024 – New Works proposals due **December, 2024 – notification of chosen choreographers/directors **January, 2025 – projects begin **Late June, 2025 – final showing/performance/screening(s)

Prior experience in professional presenting is not necessary, however if you have no prior professional experience please include an additional paragraph describing how you are prepared to manage the resources available through the largely self-directed New Works program. If you have included this information in your project narrative (written, video, or audio) in the previous section of the application, please enter "see attached narrative" in this box.

Artist Information

A resume or CV with your complete contact information and a listing of relevant experience in performance, production, teaching, marketing, and/or presentation. Here are some examples:

Two professional references and their contact information, if you have them. This is something you can add later if your proposal is selected as a finalist by the review panel.

Work Sample

A link to a full-length video of an original work created within the last five years. Vimeo, YouTube, and online storage links such as Dropbox (with password provided as necessary) are preferred. The selected work should be a minimum of 5 minutes long, and the panel will view no more than 15 minutes of longer works. Please specify the time frame you would like reviewers to watch, if the sample piece is longer than 15 minutes.

Please provide the link to your work sample.

Please provide any required passwords or instructions for viewing your work sample.