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ReDesign Showcase Entry

Are you a creative stuck behind a computer and ready to take on a hands on project? Do you see potential in items that are discarded? Do you care about sustainability and are ready to show off what's possible when we put time and energy into transformation? This is the challenge for you!

Perennial will be hosting a Redesign Showcase on October 25th at Wild Carrot to show our community the transformations that are possible when we apply our creativity to the sustainability challenges in our community. The event will raise funds to keep creative reuse happening all year through Perennial's non-profit mission, classes, and programs. We need your help to make it happen!

Each team will receive a real-life discarded item (window, ladder, or chair) sourced from an alley by the Perennial team. The artist or group will have until October 23 to transform the piece using whatever skills, tools, and materials they choose into a beautiful silent auction item that will be displayed at the event. Other materials may be incorporated but the more emphasis on reuse, the better. Past challenge items have included decor, furniture, jewelry, kitchen tools, and more!

Entry in the showcase includes 2 tickets to the event on the 25th and one representative is required to attend to answer questions about your design and creative process.

Contact Information


N/A if applying as an individual artist
Please acknowledge the following requirements to participate