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Volunteer Profile

Completing this profile is the first step in becoming a volunteer at Out Youth.

The information you provide will help us match you to volunteer positions as they come available. Submitting this profile does not guarantee you a volunteer position at Out Youth. You may be required to complete a more detailed application for positions in which you are interested.

If you have any questions about this form, or volunteering in general, please contact Kathryn Gonzales at or 512-419-1233 ext. 1103.

Contact Information

When we refer to you, should we use female pronouns (she/her/hers), male pronouns (he/him/his), or gender neutral pronouns (they/them/theirs, ze/hir/hirs, etc.)?


Demographic Information


Skills & Interests

Check all that apply

Please tell us about any other special skills you have that might be of benefit to Out Youth.

Please tell us about any other interests you have that might be of benefit to Out Youth.

Drop-in Center Volunteer Positions

We understand that a majority of those interested in volunteering with Out Youth want to work directly with our youth. To ensure we provide the best programs and services possible, while maintaining the safety of our youth, these volunteers are required to have demonstrated experience working with youth and undergo an extensive vetting and background check process.


I understand that this is not application for and nor a commitment or promise of a volunteer position at Out Youth. I certify that all the statements in this form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a false or misleading answer may be grounds for disqualification.

We <3 Robots...

...but not when they submit spammy volunteer profiles.