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612 Campaign Commitment Form

Thank you for supporting the Tennessee Theatre's 612 Campaign! Please use this online form to confirm your commitment to the campaign. We will notify you when your commitment payments are due.


Please note that any donations to this campaign are separate from the Friends of the Tennessee annual giving program.


If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Fisher at 865-684-1200 Ext. 198 or


Giving Schedule

Your campaign gift can be fulfilled through one payment or recurring payments. All commitment payments are due by December 31, 2026 and recurring payments will be ended by that date. Please indicate below how you wish to give. If you wish to set a different giving installment schedule, please contact Matthew Fisher at

Please enter your total planned commitment here.
You may spread your gift over multiple years by creating a Campaign Commitment. By selecting to span your gift over 2 years, you are committing to donate your selected amount in 2024 and again for one or two recurring years on the same gift date. We will contact you when your installments are due.

Please choose your first gift installment date (any additional installments will fall on this date in their respective year).


The Tennessee Theatre may recognize your gift publicly. Please indicate how you wish your gift to be recognized.

Please type exactly how you wish your name(s) to appear in official recognition opportunities (ex. Mr. Marq E. and Dr. Smith)
I / We wish to remain anonymous, with no mention of this campaign gift in any public manner, permanent or temporary.

Please list the dedicatee's name.

Please list contact's full name and mailing address