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Renew Your TXSES Membership!

Thanks for renewing your TXSES membership! Because of your support, you’re ensuring that our voice will continue to educate Texas communities about the benefits of solar energy, separating fact from fiction, and empowering all of us to exert pressure on our local representatives to act in our collective best interests. 

As a TXSES member, you can vote on board members, serve on the TXSES board of directors and attend our annual meeting held in January. More importantly, you're part of a community that believes in our mission to ensure equitable solar access to every Texan. 
You can also make your tax-deductible donation to TXSES by mailing a check to TXSES, P.O. Box 1447, Austin TX 78767-1447. TXSES is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Public and private funds are needed to continue doing what we've done for more than four decades, creating invaluable resources and delivering the kinds of successes you've come to expect from us.
Truth is, we couldn't do it without you. Thanks for your continued support of TXSES. 


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