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TRC Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Travelers Rest Connection! We would love to learn more about your skills and interests. Please fill out the form below to the best of your ability.

If you have any questions or concerns please email

Contact Information



Do you have any medical and or physical conditions that you would like us to be aware of? Allergies? Concerns?
Indicate which days of the week you are available to volunteer
Please indicate which fields you have experience in
Please indicate which fields you have interest in
I give Travelers Rest Connection permission to photograph and or record me during volunteer service for the purpose of media publications including: promotion, advertising, illustration, web content, newsletters, and print media. I understand that I will not receive royalties, fees, or other compensation for such use.

By signing above you are confirming your photo release.

As a volunteer of Travelers Rest Connection I agree to abide by the organization policies and procedures. I understand that I will be volunteering at my own risk and that the organization, its employees, and affiliates, cannot assume any responsibility for any liability for any incident, injury, or health problem which may arise from any volunteer work I perform for the organization. I agree that all the work I do is on a volunteer basis and that I am not entitled to receive any monetary payment or reward.
